Thursday, April 22, 2010

Java :: Binary :: local

- website:
- downloaded  Linux (self-extracting file)  or Linux 64 for 64 bit machine
- put it in /scratch/kvr0011/packages/

$ sh jre-6u19-linux-i586.bin
$ cd  jre1.6.0_19/bin/
java executable is present here

Providing the path to java binary in the talon job, ran the java package.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Shell :: Command-line arguments

$0 is the name of the command
$1 first parameter
$2 second parameter
$3 third parameter etc. etc
$# total number of parameters
$@ all the parameters will be listed

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Install :: Ruby

Download Ruby source code
$ wget

$ tar zxvf ruby-1.9-stable.tar.gz

To configure Ruby, if you are not superuser
$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/bin
By default it installs in /usr/local/bin

$ ln  -s bin/irb irb
To access irb from any location.