1. Denoiser
- Software for rapidly denoising pyrosequencing amplicaon reads by exploiting rank-abundance distributions.
- It is an alternative to PyroNoise software suite
- It is included in the new release of Qiime 1.3
$ wget http://www.microbio.me/denoiser/Denoiser_0.91.tgz $ tar zxvf Denoiser_0.91.tgz $ cd Denoiser_0.91
Python: >= 2.5.1 http://www.python.org PyCogent toolkit: >= 1.4 http://pycogent.sourceforge.net ghc: >= 6.8 (recommended for install) http://haskell.org/ghc
Install pre-requisites
$ sudo apt-get install ghc
Install Denoiser
$ cd FlowgramAlignment $ make ghc --make -O2 FlowgramAli_4frame [1 of 3] Compiling ADPCombinators ( ADPCombinators.lhs, ADPCombinators.o ) [2 of 3] Compiling FlowgramUtils ( FlowgramUtils.lhs, FlowgramUtils.o ) [3 of 3] Compiling Main ( FlowgramAli_4frame.lhs, FlowgramAli_4frame.o ) Linking FlowgramAli_4frame ... $ make install cp FlowgramAli_4frame ../bin/
Provide the path to Denoiser in ~/.bashrc file
PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH/:$HOME/software/Denoiser_0.9/ export PYTHONPATH
Define variable in Denoiser/settings.py
PROJECT_HOME = home + "/path/to/Denoiser_0.91/"
Follow the mini-tutorial in README to denoise the sequences
To get fasta file, quality file and sff text file from sff file
$ sffinfo 454Reads.sff > 454Reads.sff.txt $ sffinfo -s 454Reads.sff > 454Reads.fasta $ sffinfo -q 454Reads.sff > 454Reads.qual
Quality Filtering and barcode assignment
$ denoiser/split_libraries.py -f 454Reads.fasta -q 454Reads.qual -m barcode_to_sample_mapping.txt -w 50 -r -l 150 -L 350
where,-f fasta file
-q quality file
-m barcode mapping file
-w enable sliding window test for quality scores
-r remove unassigned reads (deprecated)
-l minimum sequence length
-L maximum sequence length
Prefix clustering
$ preprocess.py -i 454Reads.sff.txt -f seqs.fna -o example_pp -s -v -p CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT
where, -i SFF text file
-f quality filtered sequence file
-o output directory
-s squeeze, run-length encoding for prefix-filtering
-v verbose
-p the primer sequence
Flowgram clustering and Denoising
denoiser.py -i 454Reads.sff.txt -p example_pp -v -o example_denoised
where,-i SFF text file
-p Output directory of prefix clustering
-v verbose
-o output directory
2. Pre-cluster
- It is part of the mothur package
- It a pseudo-single linkage algorithm with the goal of removing sequences that are likely due to pyrosequencing errors.
3. SeqNoise
- It a pseudo-single linkage algorithm with the goal of removing sequences that are likely due to pyrosequencing errors.
3. SeqNoise
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